Saving Money with a Label Maker

coinsSmall businesses are always looking for ways to save money. The most basic cost incurred by companies that produce and sell a product is their packaging. Businesses that make wine, beer, or any bottled product know how quickly these costs can add up. Other companies might also use these for labeling flat objects, applying labels, or for all of their envelopes. In order to save some money, many businesses will do as much as they can in the packaging process, even printing and attaching their own labels.

General Costs

Most companies print their labels through an outside company in their facility and with their equipment. The labels are then sent to the manufacturing facility where they are applied to the products. This takes time and money because of all the extra traveling the package must do. If labels run out, a company must wait until more arrive, maybe even paying more in shipping costs.

At a first glance, an average person may not think that the cost of labels is very significant since they are, individually, fairly inexpensive. However, if you are buying thousands of labels, the costs start to add up really fast.

To get a ballpark idea of how much labels can cost to produce, here are some examples. The average cost of packing a is bottle of wine 4% of the purchase price. While this includes the price of a thick glass bottles and corks, it also includes the label. This is true for many business packing expenses. Many small businesses start out buying their products from a retailer, but working directly with the manufacturer can save 25-75% of current costs, especially if you start printing your own labels.

There are varying costs for labels because every company has different requirements. Larger labels will cost more than smaller ones and the amount of color will also have an affect. The way each label is applied is also important because if the labels go completely around the bottle or product, they are going to use more material than one that is applied to the front only.

All of these factors can figure into your final costs, and they may be hard to predict with each new project. Companies who want to cut costs and be more profitable should consider making their own labels, eliminating shipping and middle-man costs.

A Note about Adhesive

Another factor in the cost of a label is the type and amount of adhesive. Some labels that only connect in the spot where the two ends meet around the product, like some forms of bottled water. This type of label uses much less adhesive- usually only a thin line that is required. A full sticker label will require more adhesive that is stronger to ensure it will not fall off.


While making your own labels can save you some money on printing and shipping, there are still some other concerns for the company, such as making sure that the label is applied properly and uniformly. If you are going to print your own labels, you should also have a label dispenser that can apply it to the bottles quickly and effectively. This way every bottle will have the label on straight and all look the same.

When labels are misplaced, it gives the entire product a cheap, low-quality appearance. If you really care about your product and image, a dispenser is a great idea.

Give It a Try

If you decide to try printing and adhering labels for yourself, remember that you should never give up quality. Be sure that your printer still gives the labels a professional look and not a do-it-yourself vibe. Make sure that you have the right resources and knowledge necessary to accomplish this task and it can be a great way to save some money on your packaging expenses.